Thursday, March 24, 2016


Hello amigos!! Today I will be talking about stereotypes. I really don’t agree with them. I believe everyone should be who they are without being judge all the time. It is not fair for people to be there selves and then be told not to be who they want to be. This just makes me really mad. Like you DONT  even know but mean people are gonna be mean you know. WHATEVER!!!!
Every time i hear some one talk mess it just makes me so angry because why do you have to hate on someone just because the way they look. Like nobody is perfect not even me, you, or  anyone. Everyone makes mistakes. The only one who doesn't is God!  
Anyways little comments like you're fat, ugly, to tall, or anything you say that makes people shouldn't be said because it can make someone feel really bad. Like dont ever say things you wouldn't want people to say to you. If you ever say something mean say sorry, even if they maybe deserve it. But if anyone ever tells you something mean ignore it, because there probably just jealous of you.

 Dont ever start a fight for some little thing they told you. always be the bigger person and just walk away , its the best thing you could do. Also dont get to his level because it shows you're just like him nothing different. You should NEVER let the person telling you bad stuff get to your level because it just shows that hes winning.

If your ever getting bullied and people are always calling you names well talk to a teacher or some one. He or she can probably help you out. The reasons for bullies is because they are used to be bullied at home or something. So they think there stronger or whatever they call it.

Anyways thats basically it for today so see you later amigoss!! :)


  1. Nice advice :) People shouldn't judge others because of how they look. Don't judge a book by its cover.

  2. Nice advice :) People shouldn't judge others because of how they look. Don't judge a book by its cover.
