Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Hey guys so today Im going  tell you about how i feel about sports. So even though im a girl i like playing sports and being athletic. Sometimes people tell me oh your a girl you suck at playing soccer, basketball or whatever im doing at the time either way i dont care  what they say i do me!
Anyways my favorite sport is basketball. I find really interesting. I really like how the games get so intense. This year i was actually on the 8th grade basketball. Sadly the season is over, but i will continue playing in high school. 
I actually like watching soccer to but only watching it not really playing it. Sometimes i get bored i guess its because i dont understand it as well. My family any how is a really big fan of soccer. They go for this team called "Chivas". i mean i dont really care about soccer that much, but i know for sure that i would like this other team called "Real Madrid" better.  That team is the only one that doesn't bore me because there really good well only this one player called  Cristiano Ronaldo.
Also guys yall should know is that to play sport you gotta be athletic, but the most important thing is that you gotta be committed to do your best! Like theirs no getting lazy in practice. There is this saying that how you practice is how you play. So im telling you guys try yalls bets and yall can become the best. Maybe one day ill see you play in a professional team. No matter if its soccer basketball, football or even lacrosse. 

Anyways thats it for today, see yall next time if there is one. Bye! Bye!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Hello amigos!! Today I will be talking about stereotypes. I really don’t agree with them. I believe everyone should be who they are without being judge all the time. It is not fair for people to be there selves and then be told not to be who they want to be. This just makes me really mad. Like you DONT  even know but mean people are gonna be mean you know. WHATEVER!!!!
Every time i hear some one talk mess it just makes me so angry because why do you have to hate on someone just because the way they look. Like nobody is perfect not even me, you, or  anyone. Everyone makes mistakes. The only one who doesn't is God!  
Anyways little comments like you're fat, ugly, to tall, or anything you say that makes people shouldn't be said because it can make someone feel really bad. Like dont ever say things you wouldn't want people to say to you. If you ever say something mean say sorry, even if they maybe deserve it. But if anyone ever tells you something mean ignore it, because there probably just jealous of you.

 Dont ever start a fight for some little thing they told you. always be the bigger person and just walk away , its the best thing you could do. Also dont get to his level because it shows you're just like him nothing different. You should NEVER let the person telling you bad stuff get to your level because it just shows that hes winning.

If your ever getting bullied and people are always calling you names well talk to a teacher or some one. He or she can probably help you out. The reasons for bullies is because they are used to be bullied at home or something. So they think there stronger or whatever they call it.

Anyways thats basically it for today so see you later amigoss!! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


                                 Spring break means to me that I get to sit back and just chill.

Spring Break also means that all my teachers and classmates get  a break off.
I believe that everyone once needs a break from school because people need to focus on there life outside of school like teachers too. Spring break is not just about chillen though. Its for people to also spent time with there family and friends.

I think Spring break is very important because people should be able to relax for at least a week because they would spent there time in work or school. People shouldn't be pushed to a level where there really stressed.

The best way i think someone should spent there Spring break is in bed. Watching TV or Netflix all day. Even though its not healthy for you just laying in bed eating junk food. It would be okay to do it once in a while because then you gotta get back to you're life which is either school or work. Other people think they should spent it going out to places like movies, pool, or like to another country or state. I believe that wrong for some reason they call its Spring break because u have a BREAK!!

If America ever cancelled Spring break i know students would be really mad because they would want a break from school. Other adults wouldn't really be mad but be more like disappointing that they could've  had a day off but not anymore because of America. Also whats wrong with having at least one week off from school its pretty rare. 

Anyways thats it for today i hope y'all had a very good Spring break!!!!!
Also take care guys!!

Friday, March 11, 2016


Hey guys my name is Daniela Popoca. Im 14 years old. I like playing sport.  My favorite is playing basketball. This year I was on the basketball team for Frank Black Middle School. It’s my last year in middle school. Im kind of sad but kind of happy. Im sad because im going to highschool and im scared. Other than that im happy because in middle school there is messy girls. They just know how to ruin my day. Anyway as I was saying I also play soccer but it’s not my favorite I just like watching it better.

There is four member’s in my family. My mom, dad, and brother.  My brother is 4 year old. He is so annoying but I love him. I can’t do anything about him. My brother’s name is Diego. He loves cars. I also love my parents. Especially my mom because she takes care of me. They give me everything I want. I sometimes don’t appreciate that. I need to learn how to because I take some things for granted sometimes. Anyway that it for today. That basically all u need to know about me.